Event department has cancelled all planned events!
Posted: 07 Feb 2023, 14:09
Turk Milleti olarak yasadigimiz felaket sonrasi ve acilarimizin artarak devam ettigi bir donem olmasi sebebiyle Event departmanimiz, Turkish Virtual yonetiminin alacagi ikinci bir karara kadar simdi ve gelecekte yapilmasi planlanan tum eventleri iptal etmistir.
After the disaster we experienced as the Turkish Nation, because our pain continues to increase, our Event department has cancelled all planned events to be held now and in the future until Turkish Virtual Management takes a second decision.
Turkish Virtual Board of Directors
After the disaster we experienced as the Turkish Nation, because our pain continues to increase, our Event department has cancelled all planned events to be held now and in the future until Turkish Virtual Management takes a second decision.
Turkish Virtual Board of Directors