Dear Captains,
As we all know, with the closure of Adana Şakirpaşa Airport (LTAF) and the commencement of operations through Çukurova International Airport (LTDB), we have implemented a series of changes in our database.
Due to the opening of Çukurova Airport (LTDB), the changes that have been made and will be made in our database are as follows:
- As of today, all international and domestic scheduled flights to Adana Airport (LTAF) have been suspended.
- Starting from September, no new assigned flights to Adana Airport (LTAF) will be given.
- Adana Airport (LTAF) will continue to be maintained in our database until further notice, and our pilots can continue to perform their existing assigned flights to this airport or fly charter if requested.
- Due to potential system issues, requests to reassign your existing flights from Adana Airport (LTAF) to Çukurova Airport (LTDB) will not be accepted.
- Çukurova International Airport (LTDB) has been added to our database. In the coming days, we will release an updated 'airports.dll' to complete the process of integrating this airport into FDR. Until the 'airports.dll' update is released, no flights to this airport can be started through FDR.
- As far as we know, apart from the Çukurova Airport (LTDB) created by Hayri BUBERCI for XP12, there is no other airport made for other simulators. Therefore, scheduled flights to Çukurova Airport (LTDB) will fully commence once new scenery for other simulators is developed.
- After the 'airports.dll' update is released, our pilots will be able to perform charter flights to Çukurova Airport (LTDB) if they have the appropriate scenery for their simulators.
We wish our new Çukurova International Airport (LTDB) to be successful, and we will continue to keep you informed of any new developments regarding this airport and Adana Airport in the coming days.
Turkish Virtual Board of Directors
Our new Çukurova International Airport (LTDB)
- artuncs
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- Posts: 2045
- Joined: 07 Jul 2009, 12:47
- Name: Erhan M. ARTUC
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The links below allow you to download the Çukurova International Airport (LTDB) sceneries made by dear Hayri BÜBERCİ for X-Plane 12 vs MSFS from our discord channel.
X-Plane 12: ... 6837161144
MSFS: ... 2332708874
MSFS: ... enerys.asp --
X-Plane 12: ... 6837161144
MSFS: ... 2332708874
MSFS: ... enerys.asp --
Erhan M. Artuc
- Newbie
- Posts: 3
- Joined: 21 Jun 2024, 11:17
- Name: Volkan Karlıdağ
- PID: 4825
- Vatsim ID: 1384354
- City: Bursa
- Location: Turkey
Fsx versiyon için çok çok acemice bir deneme yaptım bir kaç günlük google araştırması neticesinde... Hocalarım fdr için runway yerleşimlerini vs kontrol edebilirseniz fsx kullananlar güzel bir scenery yapılana kadar idare edelim bununla eğer uygunsa...